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A search for 'The Karate Kid, The Karate Kid, Part II, The Karate Kid, Part III, The Next Karate Kid' gave the following results:

2 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
14910 matches in tracks
  1. Love Theme from "The Karate Kid Part II" (00:00)
    from Karate Kid, Part II, The
    Performed by Bill Conti
  2. Love Theme From The Karate Kid Part II (Film Version)* (01:57)
    from Karate Kid, Part II, The
    * Contains “Two Looking At One” composed by Carly Simon, Bill Conti & Jacob Brackman / ** Composed by Nobuko Miyamoto & Reverend Masao Kodani
  3. Karate’s Bad Boy (02:16)
    from Cobra Kai
  4. Karate Gag (00:52)
    from Cleopatra Jones
  5. Karate Gag (00:52)
    from Cleopatra Jones And The Casino Of Gold
  6. Karaté (02:15)
    from Docteur Justice
  7. Karaté (02:19)
    from B.O. Introuvables, Les (Rare Soundtracks) - Volume 2
  8. Karaté (02:19)
    from Je Hais Les Acteurs
  9. Karaté (02:19)
    from Mariage Du Siècle, Le
  10. Karaté (02:19)
    from Fachoda
  11. Karaté (02:19)
    from Blackout
  12. Karaté (02:19)
    from Docteur Justice
  13. Karaté (02:19)
    from Trop C'est Trop
  14. Karaté (02:19)
    from Escargot Dans La Tête, Un
  15. The Next Karate Kid (00:24)
    from Karate Kid, The
  16. The Next Karate Kid (00:24)
    from Karate Kid, Part II, The
  17. The Next Karate Kid (00:24)
    from Karate Kid, Part III, The
  18. The Next Karate Kid (00:24)
    from Next Karate Kid, The
  19. Karate (03:47)
    from Roma Come Chicago
  20. The Next Karate Kid (00:22)
    from Next Karate Kid, The
Show all 14910 matching tracks